Annex A: Consultation questions




Are you responding as an individual or on behalf of an organisation?


Organisation (and role if applicable):


Telephone / Mobile number:





Your consultation response will be used to help inform and shape the Committee’s approach to its work. The Committee may, therefore, wish to invite you to provide further evidence at a later date, whether in writing, a formal evidence session, or as part of informal evidence gathering.

Are you happy for the Committee to contact you for this purpose?




Question 1

Thinking about the past five years, in your view:

-     to what extent has the Health and Social Care Committee had an impact on health and social care in Wales?



-     what has been the Committee’s biggest achievement?



-     if the Committee could have done one thing differently, what would it be, and why?



-     has the Committee’s work struck the right balance between scrutiny of policy, finances and legislation?


Question 2

Looking ahead to the next five years, in your view what will be the three biggest challenges for health and social care in Wales?


